Ready to work with me?
If you are ready to step up and achieve your goals, let's talk.
If you have come this far, you need an effective lawyer to help you with your most personal issues.
Disability, support, incapacity, dependency, accidents.
Family matters: divorce, minors, inheritance, etc.
Criminal, economic or administrative matters.
Coworking Alberti 23
23 Rafael Alberti Street.
04004 Almería (Almería).
626 41 10 27
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Web implementation and online marketing plan (Organic Search Engine Optimisation Strategy) of the site have been financed with a grant from the Junta de Andalucía through the Department of Employment, Enterprise and Labour Self-employed at the expense of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)the main financial instrument of the EU's Regional and Cohesion Policy European Commission aimed at contributing to the correction of the main regional imbalances within the European Union.